Saturday, January 24, 2009

What's going on with the short days?

I really tried to get in a full hour of practice today. The problem is, I haven't been at home as much lately so I haven't been practicing during the day. Tonight I began practicing at 10 pm after a busy day of cooking and baking and running around. I also got in 20 minutes of exercise somehow and began my finger workout after that. Alas, 30 minutes into it my sweet 2 year old R woke up and was inconsolable when her dad tried to calm her, so of course when he's gone through all the tricks in the book it's time for mom to take action. And now that she's back to sleep, I'm afraid to play for fear of waking her!

Tomorrow is the day of rest, so I'm hoping I can get some restful playing in then.

Today I did Hannon 1-10, arpeggios in C, G and D, and scales in B Major and F# Major. This was 20 minutes of warming up. I was planning for a full hour or more of practice tonight since I've had several 30 minute days this week. I went through my prelude 21 and started in on the Fugue when she awoke. I was barely able to work on the fingering before I had to go back there.

Hey, with as much as I have to do, I'm proud to get 30 minutes in per day! In a few years, I'll be able to dedicate a lot more time to the piano. For now, I'm grateful I can get in any time at all.

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