Friday, January 9, 2009


Today I really felt uninspired with my practice. And I was really feeling most uninspired about my nocturne. So I took a day off from playing it today.

Today I worked on Clair de Lune while dinner was in the oven. I went through it a couple of times, trying to make it smooth and beautiful again. 10 minutes there.

When the kiddos were in the bath, I practiced Bach's prelude and fugue 21 from WTC1. I kept practicing this until we had an incident involving shampoo in the bathroom. This was about 20 minutes.

Tonight after watching Monk and Psych (love fake psychics!), I practiced a few pieces that I've worked on in the past-- a Mozart sonata in C (k545 I believe it is), which is pretty easy compared to the Beethoven sonata I'm working on. I also sightread another Beethoven sonata that just so happened to be on the page after the Mozart one. I also worked on a Chopin waltz for a while. I debated cracking open the Beethoven sonata tonight, but I'm really not feeling inspired at all today, so I'm just glad I got in my 60 minutes.

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