Sunday, January 11, 2009

Wait, did I miss a day?

I didn't miss a day of practice, but I did forget to blog yesterday! Oops!

First of all, I'm glad I took that break from the nocturne. Yesterday I was so much more productive during my practice time than I had been previously. I had a renewed energy and motivation to learn it. I actually now have played through the key change which begins at the end of the second page. I'm still working through some of the rhythms, and some of the notes are a little kooky for my fingers still, but I'll have it down in a few days I am sure. My goal was to finish the 3rd page by the end of February, but I'll have it down by mid January instead! I am way ahead of schedule!

Honestly, I can't remember what else I practiced, but I got in 70 minutes, and I know for sure that not all of that was spent on the nocturne.

So far today, I've gotten about 40 minutes in, just sitting down when I have a few minutes here and there. I've only worked on the nocturne today thus far, but hopefully I can get in a few more minutes today to bring it up to a full hour of practice for the day.

Tomorrow I'm having 2 nephews, a niece, and an almost niece come over to my house while my sister goes to the dentist, so I'm not sure I'll be able to get much practicing in then. But I'm crossing my fingers that I can get in my whole hour. If not, well, I'll blame it on having six kids in my house.

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