Monday, January 26, 2009

57 minutes

Not a full 60. 57. I tried so hard to get my full practice time in today, but alas, it was not to be. R woke up needing to go potty, and once she's woken up, I don't want to plunk the keys and keep her awake, even if I'm sure she's back to sleep! She's been very testy lately with sleep, so I take what I can get. She either has asthma or a cold with no symptoms other than coughing, and she's been coughing now for 2 weeks, so it's tough for her to sleep.

For today, I did 20 minutes of warm ups in the morning-- Hanon 11-20, arpeggios in C, G, D and scales in B and F#. Then on to the fugue. I'm continuing to work out fingering issues on the second page and hopefully I'll get that done in a few more days so I can move on to page 3. I hope to polish this piece within the month.

I also played through my Schubert Impromptu, which was lots of fun. I planned on working out some fingering today as well, but I was babysitting a little boy from church so I couldn't devote quite as much time to practice as I would have liked. All totaled, I practiced 3o minutes this morning. Which sounds like not very much considering 20 of it was with warm ups. How did I manage that one I wonder?

Tonight I worked on the Nocturne finally! It's been about a week now since I've played it, and I'm glad for the break. I was getting weary of working out fingering and getting frustrated at not being able to play through the whole piece yet, and especially not being able to play some of the faster parts up to speed yet that I can play perfectly. I have a lot of work ahead of me, but I'm proud of the progress I've made so far. 27 minutes into tonight's practicing R woke up with a full bladder and a cranky disposition. Bummer.

But thinking back on it... perhaps I did actually get in more than 60 minutes today. There is no way that I played the impromptu in under 5 minutes-- it's 11 pages long! And I worked on a couple sections of it as well for a few minutes! I must have practiced the impromptu and fugue each for 10 minutes. There's no way possible that I practiced for shorter than that with either of those pieces today.

So I'm giving myself 67 minutes. Weird.

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